A single T-section beam will be analyzed with RCsolver. The following data is available:
a) Section properties: Beff = 1.22 m, h = 0.65 m, Bw = 0.25 m, tf = 0.16 m, c = 54 mm, concrete: C20/25, Reinforcement steel: B500C, proposed tensile reinforcement: Ø18, proposed shear reinforcement: Ø10, number of stirrup legs: 2.
b) Beam properties and loading: L = 3 m, Mleft = -130 KNm, Mcenter = 80 KNm, Mright = -150 KNm, Vleft = 90 KN, Vright = -120 KN.
Objective: Design the concrete beam and calculate the required tensile and shear reinforcement.
Figure 1: Beam section properties
Figure 2: Beam properties and beam loading
Figure 3: Beam moment and shear diagrams on the 3D model
Figure 4: 3D model, concrete beam and reinforcement rebars
Figure 5: Results in RCsolver
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